Jan 29, 2007 22:48
There isn't some magic line you can say to make things better, and there sure as hell ain't some great scheme to pull out the ass in times of trouble. And the cameras don't stop rolling after the audience claps and cheers. It keeps rolling, rolling, rolling on through the bad parts, through the stupid mistakes, the missed cues, the fuck ups, the frustration, the bad, and the ugly. History is one big movie review. Alexander the Great: four stars. George Bush: a Razzie Award. Oscar goes to: Eli Whitney - thanks for the Cotton Gin boss. Best date of all time: 1066 Norman Invasion. Best Song: Star Spangled Banner. Best Screenplay: the Holy Bible.
What's your favorite invasion? Favorite plague? Favorite word of Latin derivation? What's your favorite mistake you've ever made? Least favorite? Rank them. Rank your friends, rank your favorite CDs, rank your best pair of socks, rank your best lays, worst lays, favorite flicks, sexiest chicks, and don't forget the top 10 celebrities you would totally want on your desert island. The cameras keep on rolling.
There are no perfect lines to say to make things right. There is no script to play ball by. But we sure like to edit the footage when we show it to our friends. We make our own movies through our words, our blogs, our stories that we spin. Hell, we sometimes, after watching those damn home movies, convince ourselves that those things are the real deal, that this is how it all happened. Truth is a casualty of life.
It's all a movie of our own making.
Cue Credits.