
Jun 10, 2008 23:23

I can't sleep... I'm thinking about too many things at once. I'm very stressed out this evening and need to get some things out of my head and onto "paper".

As of the 27th of this month, I will be officially unemployed. I currently have my 2nd interview with Clackamas County Corrections, but I don't really know if I will get the job or not considering I was ranked 10th out of all the candidates after round one.

On tuesday, my new family member Raven - a gorgeous Alaskan Malamute will be arriving and I'm so happy, but at the same time.. I'm feeling guilty because I made my friend - Raven's previous owner - look like an ass because I told the person who's fostering her that she gave her away after her boyfriend made her do it so he could get his own dog. I have a problem of saying things before thinking about them and this was a huge foot-in-mouth moment. My friend is not a heartless ass, yet I made her seem to be because of the words that I said.

I'm running low on money and I'm worried that my husband won't be able to get his surgery completed before my insurance is no longer in effect. I plan on going through COBRA, but it's such shitty coverage that I might as well just forget it. I would, but if I don't keep my coverage going, my bipolar disorder will be considered a pre-existing condition and claims will be rejected.

The alternator in Alex's car went out today.. so that's just another cost we incurred on top of everything else.

I need to look into debt consolidation because I feel like we're in over our heads and will never have the opportunity to buy a house at this rate.

We need to stop spending so much money on eating out and frivolous purchases. Our anniversary is in two days and we have no money to buy each other a gift, nor to do anything very special. It'll probably be dinner and a movie as usual.

I'm worried about how stressed out my cats will be once I bring our dog home. Will they hate me? Only time will tell.

I feel like I can never do anything right and it seems like I sabotage anything and everything that I touch. Almost like I don't feel like I should be happy.. yet all I want is to be happy.

The job market sucks and gas prices are causing me to consider riding a bike everywhere.

I'm sure there's more rattling around in my brain, but that's all I can think of at the moment.. Thanks for listening.
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