yes, i'm bored.

May 17, 2006 19:52

meme swiped from littlebluedog.

"OK, I made up this one, just now. If it needs a name, I think it should be called the "show everyone how clever and/or cute your LJ friends are" meme."

1) Pick a bunch of people on your f-list!
2) For each, pick your favorite usericon! Maybe it makes you laugh, or you like it for some reason, whatever.
3) Post the results!

- from boo_kat

- from littlebluedog

- from projectsw3igart

- from stellalunatic

- from moonwick

- from adranse

- from abbeizfab

- from slomosexual

- from bunnyhero

- from cavorite

- from harliquinmayhem

- from intrepidredhead

- from linearb

- from skarecrow

- from theradarmaker

- from thewendysguy

- from joshrocket

- from boogydown

- from catiei

Phew! That took forever. Now to have dinner!
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