So Yeah. JLPT. Kanji and vocab section was a breeze. I thought the grammar and reading comp. section was a bit trickier though I don't think I did too poorly on it. The part that destroyed me, however, was the listening section. I was so not prepared to only hear the conversations once, with most of the questions and the answers both being only repeated once. So of course I honestly have no idea how ell I did, even though I went in pretty cocky and didn't really study much for it at all. Promptly humbled. I'll find out the results in mid February.
So I'm coming home this winter vacation. I'll be buying the tickets this weekend, and the main thing that's definite is that I'm coming home on the 24th. Christmas Eve. Now I'm also working in the morning on this day before I make a mad dash for the airport to catch my plane. Now keep in mind the following: I can't sleep on a plane. The plane ride is 14ish hours. I'll be awake all day beforehand. I'll be a zombie once I land-- even though I don't think I'll be able to go to bed then either. Yay. I'll be staying until the 7th or so.
So two songs came out recently that I bought CDs for. First is the Final Fantasy XIII theme song, 君がいるから (Kimiga iru kara Because you're here).
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It's a great song. And I can't understand everything, but probably a little under half of it, which is cool. Of course, unlike with Final Fantasy X-2 where they dubbed the theme song(s) sung by Kumi Koda, or Final Fantasy X where they left in the (uninspired, IMO) Japanese language theme, Square decided to just replace it wholesale for the English version. And the new song isn't too bad, but the original is certainly better. Depending on where the song is placed in the game itself I reserve judgment on this move. (Though an English version of the original would have ROCKED.) Oh yeah, the replacement is My Hands by Leona Lewis.
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Also bought the newest Tales of... theme song, this time for Tales of Graces (as Namco seems to have forgotten that they have other franchises besides the Tales series.) Anyway, the theme is まもりたい ~White Wishes~ (Mamoritai ~White Wishes~, [I] Want To Protect ~White Wishes~) by BoA. She even did an English version, though its only on the limited edition Tales of Graces version of the CD and has some Engrishy lyrics. The Japanese original is good though (and like above I can understand a good bit.)
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What else... Met some of the other ALTs around here, and though I haven't hung out with them too much they seem cool. We'll see.
Oh yeah, Nanowrimo! Well I didn't make it to 50000 words but I made it farthur than I ever have before-- but I got pretty behind because I was frequently exhausted and sometimes I would choose sleep over writing. And so one day I was determined to write to catch up, but my bike got a flat as I was coming back from school that day and so I gave up on making it. Still plan to finish that story, but just didn't get it done for Nano. Oh well, next year.
Oh yeah, they came out with Final Fantasy XIII elixar drinks. Taste a bit different from sprite, but still good. I'll see about bringing a couple home for you guys.
More later-- off to Tokyo
--and back. Bought some books. Tired now. G'night.