Jan 16, 2007 22:03
Okay here I go! Lots of stuff, but what's most important.
I got the move Last Quater. HYDE is in it, so I was all over it. Shortly after I got this cute japanese drama Ai no Uta. And I was all like "Hey that guys is in Last quater!" Than I find out (after I nearly bought nana) The same actor is in Nana. He is Hiroki Narimiya, and I must say. He is so cute! *_* I love him. (And he is only 24 >.>) So I am no in love with him (Though he is still #2 to gackt)
Also, I have been watching this Japanese Horror Drama Called "One Missed call" really creepy, and I'm scared to watch the next epsiode but I wanna so bad >.>... Its really good, but creepy. Anyone wanna watch it with me? Please?