Hopefully, not bad statistics this time :P
One of the more gladdening pieces of this sort I've read in recent times:
WHY THE GODS ARE NOT WINNING by Gregory Paul & Phil Zuckerman
http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/paul07/paul07_index.html Excerpts:
A myth is gaining ground... The proposition is that after God died in the secular 20th century, He is
Read more... )
Yeah, it's all about culture really.
The trouble with faith I think is that people will use it to take advantage of others. When faith is perceived as being this incredibly important thing, it gives people leeway to say 'you don't do X, you are not being faithful!' or 'I want to do X, and I should be allowed because it's part of my faith!' and they kinda get a free pass. I have no problem with anyone's faith as long as it doesn't impinge on anyone else's freedom.
I wish you and your generation the best of luck in improving democracy - it does take time and really needs to be a bottom up thing, I reckon. We are so lucky in Australia that the country was set up with a tradition of democracy to follow and a common law system that supports it, though we did have to overcome some of the classist aspects of the British system...
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