Jul 12, 2004 22:10
so just as i.. cant go to california for a mistake i made ... everyone decides to head on to california... the irony... uh im guessing .. my moneys gonna run out by the end of the summer if not early winter... im begginging to think i should start charging people for rides.. also to whoever is listening do not.. i repeat.. do not... call me over to hang out/go to the pool/ do something.. then 30 minutes later want me to drive u somewhere else (like at a friends house) if u need a ride to somewhere u can ask me strait up and i might give it to you... however if u tell me u want to hang out.. and then once i get there be like drive me here and go away... it may be the last time u get a ride~~haha so ive seen anchorman twice... in the last 3 days.. both times for free.. its awesome... o and thankfully the clarks (old bosses) still havn't called me with pressing charges... they were supposed to call july 5th... so hopefully either they forgot or dont care enough to press charges(which they should'nt for a 2 dollar role of duct tape) o and today i went to best buy to check out some subs/amps.. when im done... u'll be able to hear my car.. from a mile away man... 1200 watt subs baby.. here we come (shits costin me over 600 dollars tho)