Title: Memories
babyaraFandom: NCIS: Los Angeles
Pairing: G Callen/Sam Hanna
Genre: Slash
Rating: PG
foxriverinmate, thank you very much ♥
Spoilers: For the end of the last episode of the second season 2.24 - Familia. Callen's thoughts on that beach.
Summary: Memories... all your life passed in front of your eyes in just a second... but was it your life? Or just a dream?
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They're property of Shane Brennan and the CBS. This story is just for fun.
Note:This is the first story that I write in English. And this is also my first story about NCIS: Los Angeles. I'm really excited about that and I hope that you will like this little story :D The thing that I hope more it's to have done a good work with Callen ;)