Title: Conditio Sine Qua Non
Author: Gaby (
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing/character: Leroy Jethro Gibbs / Anthony DiNozzo
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ca. 17,000
Notes: Written for the
kink_bigbang challenge.
Kink: first time, spankings, butt plugs, simple bondage, lots of talk about future kinky fun. ;-)
Additional Notes: "Conditio Sine Qua Non" is Latin for "Condition without which it could not be" or "an essential condition and requirement".
Spoilers: This fic takes place during early Season 3. Mentions "Twilight" and especially "Mind Games".
Special thanks to
spoonyriffic for beta help!
antares04a Big thanks for the brilliant art!
Summary: DiNozzo is thinking of leaving NCIS. Gibbs knows a way to keep the boy around.
(Click for the fic!) crossposted:
gibbs_dinozzo ncis_slash nciskink