And now for Gibbs/Abby:
Rec Category: Het
Pairing: Gibbs/Abby
Category: Challenge
Warning: none.
Author on LJ:
jackmaybenimbleAuthor's Website: Link:
Five Times Why This Must Be Read:
This is a very sweet, one chapter, story that builds upon Gibbs' relationship with Abby in the show, where he occasionally kisses her on the cheek, and the affection they have for each other.
From the prologue:
He is bad-tempered and cold, relentless and rigid. He has his rules and they keep everything in its place, no room to bend. Black and white, right and wrong. Yes and no and never ever maybe and don't waste time on sleep.
She is sunny and warm, distracted and accommodating. She long since threw away the rulebook and delights in variety.