Abby's Corner by Sandersyager (NC-17)

Mar 09, 2007 22:46

Rec Category: Abby
Pairing: Abby/Tony
Category: PWP
Warning: Het, tiny bit D/s
Author on LJ: sandersyager
Author's Website:

Why This Must Be Read:
I love my porn.

Porn is better if one doesn't have to write it.

Porn is even better if someone writes it to your specifications.

Really, this started with six word smut for ana_grrl: I came up with [NCIS, Abby/Tony] Boots laying heavily on his shoulders. Sanders took those six little works and turned them into a lovely, hot story. Sanders has a fluid way with words, and even in a quick little flashfic like this, makes it work. Read. Love on her.

abby, het, tony/abby

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