Ooh, my first rec!
Rec Category: Ziva
Pairing: VERY slight McGee/Ziva at the end, but very minor.
Category: Action/Adventure (I would also add Angst)
Warning: Het, Violence
Author on LJ: N/A
Author's Website:
Find more of her fanfiction here!Link:
Freedom Why This Must Be Read: This story is a fantastic Ziva character study. She's in a lot of very Ziva-like situations, but at the end, she lets down her defenses & does something she likely regrets, & she shows she is human, she does have weaknesses, & she CRIES. Ziva crying in any fic will get to me. I was crying when I read the last chapter. Seriously, the last chapter is INTENSE. It's amazing. Just go read it. Plus, it doesn't have that many reviews & it deserves a whole lot more because it is an amazing story. If you like Ziva at all, you should go read it.