APB - NCIS Fan Fest 2008 - Early Bird And Guest Announcements

Apr 06, 2008 19:39

We would like to take a moment of your time to remind you that Early
Bird Registration ends April 30th, 2008. If you plan to take
advantage of the lowest registration rate, you must have it
postmarked and on its way to us by April 30th. As of May 1st, the
rate goes up and you'll lose out on the special gift all Early Bird
Registrants will receive. So, get your registration in now for NCIS
Fan Fest 2008!

We have received confirmation that this year we will be joined, once
again, by NCIS Special Agents for the afternoon on Friday. Those
that have been to the NCIS Fan Fests in the past know what a thrill
this session always is. Once again, we'll be able to spend some time
finding out how the "real" NCIS works and find out the great work the
Agents do every day.

We also will have representatives of our two charities with us.
People from The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society and Operation
Gratitude will once again join us for the weekend.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the NCIS Fan Fest
2008, please go to the website at http://www.ncisfanfest.com or email
us at registrations@ncisfanfest.com

The NCIS Fan Fest 2008 Planning Committee
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