This is the standardized nominations post, to be used by all of you when you make your posts for your pairings. Comments within asterix (*) and italics are comments for you guys, that should not be in the final nominations post to
ncis_awards. The links don't work at the moment, because those posts haven't been made to the Awards group yet
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I make a post of this entry for the Best casefile on the 15th. Best casefile has no sub-categories so I don't include the info on the different sub-cats?
During nomination period I keep track of all noms in a google doc and email authors to make sure they accept the nom. In the spread sheet if the same story has been nominated more than once does each nom get a new entry or is it combined in one line?
At the end of the nomination period I send my spreadsheet to the person who is in charge of voting.
Have I got it all right?
If a story gets more than one nomination, you don't have to register it - it's already on the sheet.
One final question, do the casefile fics have to be gen or can they have a pairing?
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