Here We Go....
your name: J.K. Sims
your age: 31
male or female: F
your current location: Maine
your weaknesses: I don't trust people easilly.
your strengths: I'm stubborn as Hell and loyal as Hell.
your talents: Uhhhhhh, I'm a decent baker, I'm good at decorating, I made it through 4 yrs of high school and never missed a day?
colour? {give reasons} I am ashamed to admit, Pink. There's just something about pink, you can be really girly with it, or you can 'rough it up' so to speak.
thing you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? Honesty and a willingness to work together as a team.
movie? Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy.
type of takeaway? OMG, Chinese!
tv shows? {give reasons} Only one, NCIS. It's funny & dramatic with plenty of adventure. The characters are well written and they are a wonderful family unit.
thing to do whilst bored? Read.
if any, which character{s} could you see yourself dating? {reasons?} McGee, becase I love to write, though not at his level! :) I'm also an AVID reader. Ziva because she is my girl-crush and I love her. :)
if any, which character{s} would be your best friend{s}? {reasons?} Tony would be my big brother, someone to confide in and a shoulder to cry on. Gibbs would be a second Father to me. Abbs would probably be my bestest friend, oh the trouble we'd get up to!
favourite ship {couple} on ncis? {reasons?} Ziva/Jenny, probably because they're my fave to write! :) Fave ship that could actually happen, that would be Jenny/Gibbs. Why? Because everyone should have a second chance!
least favourite ship on ncis? {reasons?} Tony/Ziva, I just have a hard time seeing them together in a romantic light. I'm not sure why. Tony doesn't seem serious enough for Ziva.
if you were stranded on a desert island with one character, who would you want it to be? {reasons?} Ziva, because she could keep us alive and get us off!
what one thing would make you really happy? The house selling so we could move to FL.
five words you'd use to describe yourself? stubborn, loyal, quiet, shopaholic, bibliophile
where would you go if you won a million pounds? Back to England, and see the rest of the UK. Also, Rome.
what else would you do with the money? Pay the morgatage on this house until it sells so my parents and I could move to FL now.
who are you closer to, friends or family? Family.
one thing you need to get through the day? My computer.
post a photo or two of yourself: