Thanks to everyone who participated, it's a shockingly long list of stories!! Though
nakeisha might have something to do with that :) I'm still convinced you could have made it through the list!!
Total of 45 stories
ami_ven Boys with Toys [Tony and McGee - childhood - G]
Family [McGee and Abby - Family - G]
No Movie Is Completely Horrible [Abby and Tony - Bad Movies Night - G]
Once Upon a Time [Ducky - Once Upon a Time - All Ages]
Replacing Gerald [Jimmy Palmer - Replacing Gerald - PG]
ashley_pitt Christmas at Abby’s [Abby/Ziva - Proof - PG-13]
One Night by the Fire at Reston House [Gibbs/Ducky - Reston House - PG-13]
The Perfect Present [Gibbs/Ducky - Dogs - PG]
heimedall Trapped From Life 1 (Escaped) [Kate/Gibbs - Escape - NC-17]
Trapped From Life 2 (Bad Weather) [Kate/Gibbs - Bad Weather - PG]
Trapped From Life 3 (Family Hour) [Kate/Gibbs - Family Life - PG-13]
Trapped From Life 4 (Moving On) [Kate/Gibbs - Moving On - PG-13]
imaginer8614 Hers and His [Tony/Ziva - Desk - G]
Running Comfortable Silences [Tony/Ziva - Running Comfortable Silences - G]
jack_infinitude The Real Folk Blues [Anthony DiNozzo - As a criminal - PG]
Mamapranayama Even Monkeys Fall From Trees [Tony - Mistake - PG-13 (language)]
Marimba26Never Gonna Be Alone [Tony/Ziva - Soulmates - Video (29.9 MB)]
Soulmates Never Gonna Be Alone [Tony/Ziva - Soulmates Never Gonna Be Alone - Unrated]
nakeisha A Reston House Christmas [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Reston House - PG]
Addicted To Ducky [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Truth - PG-13]
Aftermath [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Forgiveness - PG-13]
Another Way Of Saying I Love You [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Autopsy - PG]
Beyond Reason [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Touch - PG-13]
Case Closed [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Case Closed - PG]
Choosing Family [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - What Do We Tell The Children - G]
Christmas Kisses [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Affection - PG]
Christmas Time A Time For The Perfect Gift [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Affection - PG]
Doing Okay [McGee (Gen) - Quizzical - G]
Family Solidarity [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Unexpected - PG-13]
How Did He Know? [Ducky & Jimmy (Gen) - Surprise - G]
Identity Revealed [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Secrets - G]
My Best Friend [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Ring - G]
Nine-Tenths Of The Law [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Eyes - PG]
Part Of Her [DiNozzo/Ziva (Het) - Simple Things - PG-13]
Pretty In Pink [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Seduction - PG-13]
Seeing Is Believing [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Desire - PG-13]
Silver-Haired Fox [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Rambling - G]
The Best Birthday Gift Of All [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - First Time For Everything - R]
Tomorrow Is Another Day [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Unexpected - PG]
Truly Blessed [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Unexpected - PG-13]
Unbecoming [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Someone Else - PG]
Wake Up Call [Gibbs/Ducky (Slash) - Avoiding - PG]
X-Factor [Jethro Gibbs (Gen) - Dreams come true - G]
nicis_anatomy Jenny's Secret [Gibbs - "Aren't you a little old to be wearing that" - PG-13]
salean-mChange [Crossover, CSI: Abby/Greg Sanders - Change - PG-13]