Title: Why Not?
Author: Ashleigh Anpilova
Rating: PG
Genre: Established Relationship
Word Count: 1,000
Summary: Set a few months after
Coming Together. Gibbs and Tim have been happily living in Reston House for a few months. There is something Tim wants Gibbs to do for him, but Gibbs isn't certain.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to DPB, CBS, Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: This is the latest part in my little Gibbs/McGee universe, that is set several years in the future and was intended to be a one-shot. Here are links to the rest of the series.
Why Me? Concerns The Final Hurdle A Sense Of Relief Just A Kid How To Raise The Subject Coming Together As these links aren't all in one place on LJ, the series can also be found at my website.
Gibbs/McGee Series Why Not? Note to Mods. I tried to use the !!attention mods tag. However, it didn't appear in the list of tags, nor could I type it in. Sorry.