I love the actor who plays Col. Will Ryan (
Terry O’Quinn). I’m just surprised that they used him on NCIS after he had a recurring role on JAG.
I also loved this ep for the little tidbits we find out about Gibbs’ past.
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. (Notice Gibbs said there was a reason for it, not that he abided by it. *g*)
The writers should have done a little bit more research. The package addressed to Gibbs at NCIS Headquarters, Washington Navy Yard D.C. had the zip 12345, which is a real zip code and belongs to Schenectady, NY.
Hee! How much did I love Abby telling Tony that while he thinks he’s dating younger women, they might look at it as if they’re dating older men? Lots. *eg*
I love how neither Kate nor Tony have any problem teasing Gibbs with his past:
Kate: Do all marines build boats?
Tony: Just the ones that’ve been married a few times.
Kate: Why’s that?
Tony: The other ones can afford to buy one.
Oh, poor Kate! Taking the bull by the horns and telling Gibbs that he needs glasses right before the bomb goes off. I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that last part. Hee!
*snort* Ducky making fun of Tony running screaming from the cabin!
Love the stick figure dead guy that Tony drew, and the fact that he took an art class once.
Kate (laughs): Let me guess, it involved nude female models.
Tony: Yeah, but that wasn’t the only reason I took the class. We drew fruits, or something, too.
Second time Kate mentions how Tony doesn’t always have to follow Gibbs’ lead (last time she told him that Gibbs wasn’t always right). Poor Tony, can’t imagine Gibbs not being right.
First time Gibbs conferences with Fornell in the elevator. *g*
Love that Kate and Tony figured out what Gibbs was up to. I think Gibbs had to focus on the fact that Tony lifted his cell phone because he didn’t know how to accept their help.
Hahahaha, Tony practicing being Gibbs-like! *bg*
Awww, Tony. Let’s just hope we get the real one back when this is over.
Poor Gibbs and Ryan, they have this horribly sad thing in common.