Sep 07, 2015 17:39
Whoops. I sorta forgot about LJ. I've been busy, though. The list version:
* Health stuff. I'm in/out of the doc several times a month but things are going well.
* Got a new laptop (shiny macbook air) love it, but don't know how to use/do 75% of what it does.
* Car. Dying a slow death. Will probably have a new one within the next few weeks. Road trip? ;)
* Vacation. I miss Copenhagen, Paris, Faro like you wouldn't believe. Going to the Oregon Coast for a few days coming up. Not exactly Denmark, but...
* Work is good, but busy.
I think that's the basic. I blog more (kinda) at my personal blog, but I'll try to post here more too.
Hope everyone is doing well!