I had to quit posting to coms for a bit until I figured out which ones had the annoying rule that if I posted there, they had the right to put my stories in an archive I have absolutely no interest in having my work in. But I've done that (I think - just in case I missed one, these stories can not be posted anywhere without my express permission. Gr. I hate that I have to say that.), so here's a few things I've written recently... :)
Title: Tea and Sympathy
Rating: G
Length: 645 words
Summary: After a cold shower, in a mall, Sam and G could use a little looking after.
Written for: Cedara in a comment fic exchange. Her prompt: Tea, Hetty style.
SPOILERS: LD50. This is a Missing Scene for the same.
On AO3 |
On LJ |
On DW Title: Permanent Ghosts
Rating: R
Length: 2873 words
Summary: What we remember from childhood we remember forever - permanent ghosts, stamped, inked, imprinted, eternally seen. ~Cynthia Ozick
Talking about his foster brother, Jason, in "Keepin' It Real" has caused G to remember more than he wants to.
Written for: Yuletide 2009 - prompt: Why it is that G might have amnesia/not know certain things about his own past?
SPOILERS: Keepin' It Real
On AO3 |
On LJ |
On DW Title: "Running to Joshua Tree"
Rating: NC-17
Length: 812 words
Summary:"Sam seems to be in a better mood today."
"Uh-huh," G comments, not looking up and not adding more to the conversation.
"Any idea why?"
Written for: Porn Battle IX
On AO3 |
On LJ |
On DW Title: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Rating: PG
Pairing: Callen/Hanna (preslash)
Length: 2203 words
Summary: "I'm not going to go ballistic every time we get a case that has something to do with a foster kid or adoption or whatever. I'm going to ballistic every time everyone else expects me to go ballistic over these cases."
Written for: SmallFandomFest 2010. Prompt: the only one who knows.
On AO3 |
On LJ |
On DW Title: Insecure Out Loud
Rating: PG
Pairing: Callen/Hanna
Length: ~1000 words
Spoilers for: 1x12 - Past Lives
Summary: Tag to Past Lives. Sometimes G's insecurities slip out and and it becomes obvious that he's more comfortable in any of his made-up personas than his real one. This makes Sam a little nuts.
Written for:
50ficlets, Prompt: #07 - Where You Belong
On AO3 |
On LJ |
On DW And if anyone cares, I've done some long rambly meta-review things of Missing/LD50 (
LJ |
DW) and The Bank Job. (
LJ |