Fic - Four penguins and a crime scene; SA3466996; Rating PG-13

Jun 29, 2009 23:06

Title:  Four Penguins and a crime scene
Author: SA3466996
Rating:  PG-13, T
Category:  Humour, General
Genre:  Gen
Pairing:  None
Character(s):  Gibbs/ DiNozzo/ Team
Summary:  It's Gibbs's third ex-wife's wedding anniversary.  Throw in a dead petty officer, a smug McGee, an over-confident DiNozzo and four penguins - trouble ahead?  You bet there is.  Set post Weekend Duty but stand-alone really.
Spoilers:  None
Warning:  None
Disclaimer:  NCIS characters belong to Bellisario, CBS and Paramount.  No copyright infringement intended.
Beta(s):  Will.
Cross posted at:  ncisfanfic and ncis_gen

Four penguins and a crime scene

gen, gibbs/dinozzo, fanfic

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