Apologies for the delay in posting this round-up, but as those on my flist know we had a 30 hour power cut that has had a huge impact on my physically.
Here are links to all stories that are either Gibbs/Ducky (slash) or Gibbs&Ducky (gen) centric, or include them as a couple that were either posted here or elsewhere during March. All stories, unless otherwise stated, are slash.
This month we had two more brand new to Gibbs/Ducky writers -
elfgirljen and
caz251. Welcome, to both of you. It's great to see you here and I look forward to more stories from you soon!
I think I've caught everything, however if I have missed any stories, please do let me know.
Ashleigh Anpilova (
As Long As The Moon Keeps Shining Here We Are Making A Mistake Making Ducky Think Making Gibbs Think Ties Would You Want Me To Have Been Illya? Ashley Pitt (
At The Kitchen Table The Boat Caz251 (
Hurting Ducky Lady Hannibal (
Compromising Positions (Can be read as slash or gen)
The Bitter End Elfgirljen (
Brave Heart Perwinkle (
Spicy Willow (
Performance Enhancer