Reminder that prompts are needed for Promptathon 03

Apr 20, 2009 15:11

Just a reminder that the closing date for submitting prompts for older_not_dead's third promptathon is coming up fast - 24th April 2009.

So far we haven't had that many prompts this time, so some more would be lovely.

If you wish to submit prompts, and remember you don't have to be a writer/artist to submit prompts, you can do so by going here.

Remember the theme is 'First Times' so the prompts can be just about anything, they don't have to relate to a time of year or an occasion this time.

The prompts can be:

  • A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
  • A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Books
  • A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. Wine
  • Just a prompt - i.e. suitable for any fandom/pairing) e.g. ?. ?/?. Flowers

    And you can mix and match when submitting, or just submit one type.

    Also just to remind you (yes, again) the characters only have to be 40+ in the story/artwork, not in canon. (Of course they can be 40+ in canon as well, but that isn't part of the 'rules').
  • lj comm: older_not_dead, promoting

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