
Feb 23, 2009 13:29

crack_van is going to start running out of people to rec NCIS in a few months. It would be sad to see the fandom no longer appearing as one of the monthly fandoms, hence my attempt to maybe encourage someone (or more someones) to at least think about signing up.

It really isn't a daunting or onerous task - I know some people might fear it is. However, all it commits you to is to rec a minimum of FOUR stories in your month (one per week). You can rec up to twelve, plus a cross-over, plus a song-vid, but you really can happily just rec four.

Nor do you have to write reams about why you are recc'ing a story. The vast amount of recs are a few words or a couple of sentences. Some people write quite a lot ::coughs:: but others very little. All you have to do is simply say why you love the story so much.

The stories you choose can be as short or as long as you like and there is no limit on how many times you rec an author nor on what pairing or genre you rec.

Interested in driving the van for a month?

If so you can sign-up here.

Partly interested, but would like to know more?

Is so go here.

lj comm: crack_van

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