Fiction Links: Letting Go & Diamonds are Forever

Jun 26, 2008 14:42

Sad one first, left posting it til I had a cheerier story to follow up!

Title: Letting Go
Author: Adrianna Coylho
Character: Donald 'Ducky' Mallard
Rating: PG
Word count: a rather short 149
Summary: Gibbs remembers Ducky. Gibbs/Ducky pairing, ER.
Spoilers: None
Author's Note: Written for Prompt #52, Fire for my Fanfic100 challenge. Written when Snow Patrol's 'Run' came on the radio - says it all I think.
Warnings: Major character death(s).
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.

Letting Go

Title: Diamonds are Forever
Author: Adrianna Coylho
Character: Donald 'Ducky' Mallard (Gibbs/Ducky pairing, ER, a little Abby)
Rating: PG
Word count: 2,122
Summary: Gibbs is becoming uneasy about their relationship and it shows.
Spoilers: None
Author's Note: Written for Prompt #48, Diamond for my Fanfic100 challenge.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.

Diamonds are Forever

fiction: links, !creator: adriannacoylho, fiction

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