We have now had our final story posted for the 2007 Gibbs/Ducky Yuletide Exchange. All in all I think it went well, certainly I enjoyed reading the stories and I think that all the recipients felt that their wants had been met. And I believe that the writers enjoyed writing the stories - so it was a win-win situation for everyone.
For the writers who took part here is a banner for you.
And in case any of you missed the stories, or were busy with fictional exchanges of your own, herewith the links.
The Stories:
Challenging Ducky (written by
nakeisha for
Christmas At Reston House (written by
ashley_pitt for
Finding A Way (written by
nakeisha for
The Case Of The Missing M.E. And Team Leader (written by
kalliekat for
The Christmas Gift (written by
periwinkle27 for
Twas The Time After Christmas (written by
ashley_pitt for
You Can't Buy Love (written by
erehwon6 for
My thanks to all writers and readers for helping to make this exchange a success.