Promoting a new multi-fandom comm for characters who, in stories, are over 40

Sep 13, 2007 12:15

A friend of mine, aingeal8c, and I have been chatting (as one does) about promptathons/ficathons/commentathons/storyathons/fanfic challenges, etc. in general, and about love for 'older' characters in particular - and we decided there isn't enough of it around :-)

So we have set up: older_not_dead.

It's a Community that's a mixture of the usual challenge promptathons/communities/ficathons/commentathons/storyathons - with one exception.

The exception is that each half of the pairing, in the stories, has to be aged forty of older. It doesn't mean that they have to be forty in the television series, film, book, whatever, just that in the story they have to be over forty.

Both slash and het pairings from any and all fandoms will be welcome (as long as in the story each half of the pair is each over forty).

We don't want to run it as a ficathon for various reasons. However, we do want to make it some kind of 'athon'. Thus, it isn't just a 'join the Comm and post stories Comm', but it's of the promptathon/commentathon ilk, albeit you make top level posts rather than post your stories in the comments to one post.

We hope to have regular, at yet-to-be-decided intervals, challenges and these will have a theme, e.g. established relationship, first time, hurt/comfort, etc.

For each challenge we'll make a post inviting prompts, and giving a deadline by which the prompts need to be submitted.

The prompts can be:

  • A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
  • A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Books
  • A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. Wine

    Or any mixture thereof.

    We'll then compile the prompts into a list, and members can select the prompt they wish to use for their story or stories, as there will be no limit on the number of stories you may write.

    So if the idea of writing about 'love for the over 40s' in a low pressure environment, appeals to you, please come and check us out - Older Not Dead Profile

    Also, please feel free to promote the Comm, should you wish to do so.
  • lj comm: older_not_dead, promoting

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