Episode Review: 4x06 "Witch Hunt"

Nov 20, 2006 19:57

* Elflord *snickes*
* Ducky! Chasing the baddies for 3 blocks!
* Gibbs and technology... 'nuff said *grin*
* Gibbs and missing kids... is getting annoying.
* nakeisha, you must have had a 6th sense going on when you wrote your Halloween fic... I really thought that Ducky was going to inform the kids about Halloween...
* Ow Abby and McGee are over! He shouldn't have gone with the cheerleader, go Abs!
* McGee speaking Klingon... he *really* is McGeeK.
* Ha, love Gibbs' new interrogation technique. Staring. Silence. For as long as it takes.
* I was just going to complain about the lack of Ducky... now he's drinking tea. With Ziva.
* Frustrated Gibbs! Woohoo!
* I do like his jeans though...
* Ducky is no longer universally a "Brit" he's from Scotland. Well, you're a Brit when from Scotland... but... we know where he's from now... or maybe I'm just so dumb I hadn't picked it up earlier?
* Argh a Kelly flashback!

All in all... it was a pretty middle of the road kind of episode, really. It wasn't very spectacular.

We got treated to some canon facts, which makes a fangirl squee, we saw some "Gibbs-isms" (Gibbs treating the automatic vacuumcleaner... the headslap (double even) and Gibbs taking his frustration out on a filing cabinet) but still it was quite dissappointing.

Not enough Ducky.

And call me insensitive... but I was glad we had gotten rid of the Jen flashbacks, and now we're getting Kelly flashbacks. Driving me insane.

A bit less screenshots than I usually make, but as I said earlier, I didn't really like this episode, and there wasn't anything worth capping, except for some random stuff.

Also, I'm on slow internet now, so I don't think I'll be able to upload 40 something screenshots anymore unless I can wait a day for it to upload...

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