Title: Kitten on the Keys
Authors: rebecca & skripka
Rating: G
Summary: What'd you do now?
Notes: Takes place very soon after
A Cat in the Lap is Worth Two in the Lab, which takes place after the other
Abbycat fics.
From: jshepard@ncis.gov
To: All NCIS Employees at HQ
Subject: Service Animal Policy
Attachment: animal policy.doc
Please take a moment to read and review the attached policy on animals allowed inside NCIS offices. Specifically, please note that the only animals allowed inside offices are licensed service animals. All other animals are not allowed in the office and must be kept at home.
Jen Shepard
Director, NCIS
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Service Animal Policy
What'd you do now?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: Service Animal Policy
What? I'm completely innocent.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: I can tell this will get ridiculous shortly.
I know you.
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: I can tell this will get ridiculous shortly.
I swear to you, it wasn't my fault. Much.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: and if I believe that...
Yeah, right. C'mon, what happened?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: why is it always my fault?
Couldn't this just be a coincidence?
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: why is it always my fault?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: why is it always my fault?
You know, you should trust me more, since I do know how to kill you without leaving any clues.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: Re: why is it always my fault?
And I carry a gun. Were you bored or something and snuck into Jenny's office?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Hmmmm....
So, it's "Jenny" now?
(and there was no sneaking.)
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Hmmmm....
Don't change the subject. So you didn't sneak into Jenny's the Director's office, just strolled in like you belonged there?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: Hmmmm....
I was nowhere near her office. Hmph.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Hmmmm....
All right. If you weren't near her office, then she must have caught you in the bullpen. What, were you keeping Gibbs company after hours?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: I knew you had a brain
We were supposed to go to dinner, and he was busy, so I decided to hang out with him.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: ha ha
And the Director caught you? Wow. What did Gibbs do?
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: ha ha
He talked us out of trouble. Then we went to dinner.
From: adinozzo@ncis.gov
To: asciuto@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: ha ha
From: asciuto@ncis.gov
To: adinozzo@ncis.gov
Subject: Re: Re: Re: ha ha
No, mahi-mahi.