The Grim Companion, by Orion

Aug 21, 2005 16:42

Title: The Grim Companion
Author: Orion
Category: gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: "Twilight"
Disclaimer: Everything except the words belong to someone else and I don't make any money off this.
Notes: My first NCIS ficlet and a flashfic in the true sense, since I wrote it over the last 20 minutes. Feedback is greatly appreciated

The Grim Companion
by Orion

In 1980, he saw a dead body for the first time. It was during summer break and he and Steve from next door were playing on the nearby playground when loud crashing sounds and honking from the street caught their attention. Curious as they were, they ambled over to see what had happened.

Later, he wished he hadn't. A semi had run a light and plowed right into a crosswalk, hitting a mother and her child. All he could remember for months to follow was the bloodcurdling crying of the mother and the red halo that steadily grew on the asphalt around the little boy's head. He was maybe 5 and looked like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Tony DiNozzo was 8 when he learned in never-ending nights filled with nightmares of the accident that everything in life had an opposite side, even life itself.

In 1997 he killed for the first time. He shot a man, if only to prevent him shooting a hostage and it was his job as a police officer to do so. That's what was expected of him and it was a righteous shot, everything handled by the book.

It didn't make him feel any better. He'd knelt by the body afterwards, his fingers searching for a pulse that wasn't there anymore. The same fingers that had fired the gun moments earlier killing the guy. He had no remorse, after all he'd been trained to do exactly what he had done. Protecting innocent citizens. But the stale taste in his mouth lingered for days.

Tony DiNozzo was 25 when he realized that doing the right thing sometimes required doing something horrible along the way and that you had to live with the consequences.

In 2005, he lost a partner for the first time. By then, life in law enforcement had hardened him and he'd learned not to get too much involved emotionally. He'd been lucky all those years, death had always been a step too slow to catch up with him and those near to him.

As he knelt by Kate's unmoving body and watched with obscene fascination as the dark red halo around her head spread further, memories from long forgotten times rose to the surface and he almost had to bite his tongue not to laugh out loud at the salacity of the moment.

Tony DiNozzo had to become 32 to finally realize that life ran in cycles, repeating at its own will and there was nothing he could do about it.

-The End-

genre: tragedy, genre: episode tag, writer: juleself, challenge: first

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