Flash Fic by Fauxcynic

Nov 19, 2005 12:27

Title: Flash Fic
CHALLENGE: "Flash:" Any topic, to be written in 60 minutes or less.
Author: Fauxcynic
Disclaimer: No ownership; no profits made.
Rating: PG

Summary:  Just another case.  I know the challenge was only the time limit, but I couldn't help myself.  No beta; no one else to share the blame. Maybe with more than 60 minutes it might have been... er  ...well, maybe not. Idea = 20 seconds; Silliness = 20 minutes; Writing = 32 minutes.  Apologies...  neverending...


They’d been sent out to the scene of yet another homicide, flash traffic this time from the naval base where the body had been found fed directly into MTAC, and spit out to Gibbs as he hurried the team out to the scene.

At the line of yellow tape sealing the scene, a base security guard made to stop their progress, just a kid, trying to look brave but tinged green at the sight of the grisly murder.  He moved aside quickly - and  thankfully - out of the line of fire and line of sight, when Gibbs flashed his badge.  Seeing that a few media outlets had already whiffed yet another murder, their trucks already in position, emergency flashers engaged, Gibbs growled at the seaman to keep the news people away.  In silent camaraderie, McGee flashed a sympathetic smile as the kid struggled to keep his breakfast in place.

“It’s not a meet ‘n’ greet, Probie, let’s go.”  DiNozzo prodded.  He moved over to the corpse and swung his camera up into place, illuminating the scene in an electrical storm from his camera’s flash.  After several shots, he lowered the camera to peer at the body.   “Serial killer, Boss?  Or copy cat?”  Scenes from the last investigation flashed before Tony’s eyes as he surveyed the figure.

“Don’t know yet.  Hand me that flashlight, will you?  There’s something....”  He moved gingerly to pull a small, plastic stick of sorts from the man’s pocket, seeking what he could before Ducky’s arrival, and held it up to the light’s beam.  Not a pen, but capped as if it were.  He pulled off the cap to reveal a flat metal piece and examined it, clearly  perplexed.

“That’s a USB memory stick, Boss...”  McGee offered.  At Gibbs look, waiting for more, McGee tried, “You  know, flash memory...”

Gibbs did not know but was tiring of the fact; clearly someone on his team did, enough for the moment.  Thrusting it toward McGee, he clipped, “bag and tag.”

Tony had managed to pull the man’s wallet from his jacket pocket and was rifling though its contents.  “Guy’s name was Blake Woods...”  After another moment, he lifted out a card.   “Look at this, boss - probation registration ID from Maryland.  They started these when I was with Baltimore PD.”

Gibbs turned to Tony.  “Yeah?  Can you tell what he was on probation for?”

Tony turned the card over, nodded.  “Yeah, still using the statutory code here..”  Tony grimaced, then looked  up to Gibbs.  “He was a flasher, Boss.”

Gibbs eyes narrowed.  His gut was starting to move to full alert on this one...

McGee suddenly piped up.  “Boss! I know this guy!  He’s an actor... was an actor...he did a kids’ show for a while - he was a superhero...”

“Blake Woods...” Tony chimed in, “You’re right!  Yeah Boss, I remember reading about him, he had a real following in the early 90's...”

“Never heard of him...”  Gibbs grunted suspiciously.

“Well, he was hot for only a few weeks, Boss; big hype but then... splat...”  Tony explained.

McGee was nodding.  “Yeah, a real flash in the pan.”

Gibbs stood up, suddenly, and glared at McGee.  At the sudden movement and the expression on Gibbs’ face, an overeager reporter crouching near the tape line pointed his way - and a flashbulb flared....

Tony suddenly chuckled, still staring at the still form, musing.  “You remember that kids’ show he did, Probie?”  His eyes met McGee’s, his grin wicked.

“Oh, yeah, the superhero.”  McGee, beaming now too, nodded eagerly.  “His alter ego was ‘Wally West.”  In unison, both agents turned to Gibbs, grinning widely, waiting...

Gibbs closed his eyes.  “Don’t say it...”

“He was ‘the Flash’,  Boss.”

Gibbs was never so happy for the interruption of the prattling of his medical examiner as it neared, lecturing as  always to Palmer he walked .  “...but the body was caught, you see; he would have slid off the roof but his clothing was caught in the loose flashing... Ah, Jethro... what have we here?”

If Dr. Mallard caught the flash of growing annoyance in Gibbs’ eyes, he chose to ignore it.

“...poor fellow seems to have gone the way of the last one, eh, Jethro?  Mr. Palmer, I shall need my boots, please...”

“Yes, doctor, right away.  I’ll be back in a...”

“Don’t say it!”  Gibbs roared....



The paperwork on this one had been wrapped up by DiNozzo and McGee; uncharacteristically, Gibbs had left early with a headache.  As they headed toward the elevator to leave, McGee was so bold as to ask Tony if he wanted to stop at a local watering hole for a beer and a burger on the way home.  To Tim’s surprise and delight, DiNozzo agreed.

“Just give me a few extra minutes, Probie.  Gotta drop off a video around the corner.”

“What-some porn?”  Tim scoffed.

“No, it was something Tiffany wanted to see...”  Tony asserted defensively, “A real classic.”  At McGee’s raised eyebrows, Tony grinned as the elevator doors closed them in.  “Flashdance.”

challenge: flash, writer: fauxcynic

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