I'm full of fail. I've been pretty sick the last few weeks and out of it.
The April Amnesty challenge we are bringing you...
Tarot ChallengeYour current challenge, brought to you by twoweevils, is TAROT: The Major Arcana. You can use this as a theme, as a general idea, or you can pick from one of the Major Arcana cards below:
The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World
Links provided for reference, should you want to explore the symbolism in these cards. Keep in mind that Tarot symbolism is not always about the obvious; Death, for example, is about change, not about endings.
Relativity ChallengeYou could interpret this as having to do with relatives and family: families of the team members, the team as family to each other, family issues involved in a case, and so on.
Or you could explore any other interpretation of "relativity" -- or "relative" or "relate" or "relations" -- including those having nothing to do with family.
Fall ChallengeFall as in autumn? Falling in love? Fall from grace? Fall in battle? Fall asleep? Or maybe just a literal fall. Maybe it's not a person who's falling--temperatures can fall, among other things. The possibilities are endless!
Halloween ChallengeI believe this is relatively self-explanatory. Trick-or treat, anyone?
AU ChallengeTake one or more -- or all -- of our characters, and make them anything other than what they are.
Put them all on a baseball team. Make Tony and Abby dance instructors and the others their clients. Make Madame Director a real madame pimping out high-class escorts... DiNozzo as rentboy, anyone? Abby hooker!fic? Or go for an academic AU and show us Ducky and McGee and Abby as college professors; who would be the football coach, do you think? Put them all in the White House or Parliament or Buckingham Palace, make them prison inmates or astronauts or newspaper reporters or put them on a starship. You're limited only by your imagination.
Amnesty is being granted for these challenges for the month of April. Click the challenge name to visit the original prompt entries.
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