Title: A Fondness
Pairing: none
Prompt: Attachment
Word Count: 404
Rating: Child
Summary: character study, set around the beginning of season two.
Spoilers: mild for the beginning of season 6.
Author's Notes: for Amnesty 2008
Kate is bored. Almost no one notices, though, because Kate is the quiet kind of attention deficit; she sits in the back of the room and turns her attention to the beautiful spring day outside the window and lets her mind take her to a thousand places that don’t involve being stuck in this room listening to a ridiculous and pointless lecture.
Not like Tony. Tony is the loud kind of attention deficit. He’s more likely to be labeled hyperactive, or ADHD, or whatever they’re calling it these days… or he might just be called class clown, or troublemaker. He seems to be everywhere at once, sometimes without even leaving his seat. He’s pulling Abby’s pigtails or putting something down the back of McGee’s shirt, and he would be pulling some kind of prank on Gibbs, too, if he dared (he doesn’t, quite).
McGee, of course, is the new kid. He’s quiet and a little socially awkward, and he’s almost painfully shy. A little too eager to please - he’s actually taking notes on everything the lecturer is saying - but he’s a good kid and he’ll eventually meld with the rest of the group until it gets to a point where he seems to have been there forever. If Tony doesn’t eat him alive first.
And then there’s Gibbs. He’s as bored as Kate and Tony are, only he doesn’t show it like they do. He sits, instead, off to the side, leaning against the wall next to the window Kate is staring out of (and that’s the only reason he even noticed; he thought at first that she was staring at him before realizing what she was doing), and he watches everything that goes on, cataloguing every time Tony shoots a spitball at McGee, every time Abby goads Tony with her eyes, every time Kate’s fingers move on the rosary in her pocket. He sees it all, he locks it all away inside his mind, and he remembers all of it.
Someday, far in the future, when Tony is at sea and McGee is down in the basement and Kate watches over all of them and adds her prayers to those of the saints, he will pull this memory from somewhere deep inside and he will say to Abby, “Do you remember when?”
Abby will laugh, and she will hug him tight, and for a while, they will both be a little less sad.