Back Seat by Rainne

Jan 01, 2008 23:31

Title: Back Seat
Challenge: Cars
Pairing: Gibbs/Kate
Rating: Adult (NC-17)
Disclaimers: Recognizable characters do not belong to me.
Spoilers: None, really.
Feedback: Yeah!
Distribution: Ask first
Summary: Smut. Woo-hoo!

The stakeout was over - they’d gotten their guy. Safe in DiNozzo’s custody, he was being carted off to HQ for a planned interrogation the next morning. Kate and Gibbs, exhausted, were returning their car to the deserted motor pool and then planning to head home for some very well-earned rest before they had to be back early the next morning to carry out that planned investigation.

They were tired, they were short-tempered and they were ready to go - only somehow something happened that Kate couldn’t really explain.

It would be nice if she could explain it, she thought in a brief moment of lucidity. The loss of control was a little scary, because she had no idea how exactly she’d gotten where she was.

And where she was, was the back seat of that government car, hidden in the darkness of that deserted motor pool, just out of sight of the security cameras and the lights, bare naked and straddling Jethro Gibbs’s lap.

His hands were burning her body wherever he touched her, and she was struggling to get his belt undone and his zipper down before the universe changed its mind. When she finally accomplished her mission, he raised his hips and allowed her to tug his jeans down around his ankles.

He was hard as steel as he gripped himself and guided her down with one hand on her hip, and they both groaned as he slid home inside her. His arms came up to wrap around her shoulders, one hand burying itself in her hair and drawing her face down to his, his tongue, lips and teeth devouring her, drawing her soul out through her mouth and into his.

She started to move, tentatively at first and then with more confidence as he gasped and groaned her name. It wasn’t going to take much to send them both over the edge. She rode him hard, desperately, afraid at any moment that she might wake up and find this to be a dream - or, worse, that he would stop her, put on his Team Leader face and say that they couldn’t do this, it was a mistake, and she should really get dressed and go home now.

None of those things happened - instead, she felt the electric shock of his fingers slipping between their sweaty bodies to find her desperate clit and stroke it firmly.

She fell backward, crying out her pleasure as he brought her firmly to the brink of orgasm, he front seat supporting her body, leaving her arched form wide open for his perusal, gilded in the silver moonlight. He imprinted every arch and curve of her into his memory, and then he pinched her clit between two fingers and pulled.

She screamed and bucked in his lap, her inner muscles gripping and squeezing him like a steel vise wrapped in a wet suede glove. With a groan, he came as well, filling her with his essence.

For a long moment, there was no sound but their harsh panting. Then he reached forward, wrapping a hand around her waist, and pulled her against him. She sagged bonelessly into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder as his hand smoothed down her back in random, soothing shapes.

At last, when they both had the strength, he helped her sit up straight and looked her in the eyes. She bit her lip, fearing the worst, and was almost surprised when he smiled, stretched up and kissed her gently. “Come home with me,” he asked gently.

“Okay,” she said.


writer: xdawnfirex, challenge: car, pairing: gibbs/kate, challenge: amnesty, genre: plot what plot?

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