The Art of Compromise by Periwinkle

Jan 01, 2008 15:07

Title: The Art of Compromise
Challenge: Compromise
Characters/Pairing: Gibbs/Ducky
Word Count: 554
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I have no ownership in NCIS or associated properties. This is a work of fan fiction and is not for profit.
Summary: It’s all in knowing when to compromise and when not to.

The Art of Compromise by Periwinkle

He was supposed to be meeting Jethro for dinner. But he was tied up in the morgue with Mr. Palmer. It was an interesting corpse so he wanted to be involved in the autopsy, even though Mr. Palmer was quite capable of finishing it without his supervision. What had appeared to be death by gunshot was turning out to be something more, so it intrigued him. He half-suspected that his lover would be running late anyway - Jethro was worse then he was at leaving before all loose ends had been tied.

He wasn’t watching the clock so the first awareness he had of something amiss was Mr. Palmer standing rigidly at attention. That told him that Jethro had invaded his territory. Mr. Palmer was better than a watchdog at alerting Ducky to Gibbs’ visits.

“Duck…” Someone was apparently impatient for dinner.

“Uh, yes, Jethro, I’m sorry, but this body… It’s fascinating really. Did you know that students in Texas are learning to autopsy for gunshots by performing examinations on fetal pigs that have been shot with a .22…”

“Duck. Dinner?” was growled at him as Jethro gave him a piercing stare.

“Can you give me 30 minutes?”

“You’re already an hour late, you know,” Gibbs said, pointedly looking at the clock.

“How about a compromise? We’ll order out. I can work here 30 more minutes than we can pick up the food and eat at my place.”

Gibbs looked at him for a moment. “All right, but I’ll do the ordering so you don’t get sidetracked. You, get back to work.” And he left Autopsy, presumably to put in the dinner order.

Ducky looked at his assistant. “What makes him think I’d get sidetracked? Now about those fetal pigs…”


He made sure to be ready in 30 minutes. He didn’t want to push Jethro too far. There was too good a chance Jethro would get very cranky, very soon, and leave to go work on his boat. And if Jethro was going to work on any body tonight, Ducky would rather it was his and not the boat’s.

He got into his car and followed Jethro to the restaurant. It was not one of his favorite ones, but he kept quiet, knowing that he had let Jethro pick. They went in together to pick up the food and Ducky reached for his wallet.

“I’ve got it,” Jethro said, bringing out his wallet.

“It’s my treat because I kept you waiting.”

“Doesn’t matter, it’s my turn. We can compromise. I’ll thank you for the offer and then I’ll pay.”

“How is that a compromise? You’re getting your own way then,” Ducky asked curiously.

Jethro glared at him. “I’m thanking you. How often do I do that?”

Ducky shrugged. “You’re right. You have a point. And apparently the bill also.” He thought for a moment. “Are you staying for the night?”

A corner of Jethro’s mouth twitched up. “Why do you think I agreed to eat at your place?”

“Ah,” Ducky said. “We can talk more fully about compromises and thanks there. How about this compromise? You pay for dinner and I’ll pay you back later?”

”Works for me,” Jethro said and reached for the bag with their dinner.

The art of compromise was all in knowing when to give in and when not to.

pairing: gibbs/ducky, challenge: amnesty, writer: periwinkle, challenge: compromise

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