Twu Wuv, or the Next Best Thing
AUthor: James
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Summary: Tony wants to get married.
Notes: for the NCIS flashfic "marriage" challenge
"Come on, Kate," Tony pleaded, leaning across her desk and giving her his best 'you can't resist this face' expression.
"I am *not* marrying you," Kate said, not even looking up from her computer.
Tony leaned over a bit farther, and Kate looked up.
"Don't make me shoot you, DiNozzo. I *have* a gun." She gestured with one hand towards the pistol she had holstered.
"See?" Tony grinned. "It's like we're already married!"
"Do I want to know?" Gibbs asked, pausing by her desk on his way to his own. Tony tried to shake his head 'no', but Kate gave him a flat look and said, "Tony wants to enter some contest to win a honeymoon to Jamaica. Only in order to win a honeymoon, he has to get *married*."
As Gibbs raised an eyebrow, Tony quickly explained. "It's perfect! Kate and I get married, we go to Jamaica, then come back and get an annulment." He turned and waggled his eyebrow at Kate. "Unless we fall madly in love-- ow!"
Tony glared at Gibbs, who had already pulled his hand away and was walking towards his desk.
"Don't make me tell you to get to work, DiNozzo," Gibbs said.
Tony took a step towards his desk, and cast a look at Gibbs. "You're just jealous I didn't ask you."
Without looking over, Gibbs just said, "I have a gun as well, DiNozzo. And I'm just as happy to use it as Kate is."