I've just never had a good experience with them. I get prompts that don't inspire me or I find annoying, and then the contrary part of me decides to write the prompt while being contrary -- for example, I once got a prompt that clearly want the couple to have sex in the fic, which hey, I do occasionally write. However, I objected to the way they phrased it (I believe they used the term "playing" like so, in annoying air quotes), so I wrote a fic wherein they had absolutely NO sex, but did in fact play chess.
Yeah, I'm a little too bitchy for ficathons.
Plus, like I said earlier, I've never had a good experience. No one I've ever written a fic for has ever left feedback (and okay, I'm generally pretty laid back about feedback, but in a ficathon, I think it's good manners to leave feedback for the person who got stuck with your prompt) AND all but 1 time, my prompts have somehow managed to fall through the cracks. The one time my prompts DID get written, it was....barely readable crap.
And trust me when I say that's me being nice right there. It was BAD.
So, um, yes. Ficathons = not my thing anymore. Even when I really want to sign up for them. It's just safer for everyone.
And yes, Nano! I am considering writing the big crossover (NCIS/SG-1) for it, although I kind of want to make headway on my other big project first.
Yeah, I'm a little too bitchy for ficathons.
Plus, like I said earlier, I've never had a good experience. No one I've ever written a fic for has ever left feedback (and okay, I'm generally pretty laid back about feedback, but in a ficathon, I think it's good manners to leave feedback for the person who got stuck with your prompt) AND all but 1 time, my prompts have somehow managed to fall through the cracks. The one time my prompts DID get written, it was....barely readable crap.
And trust me when I say that's me being nice right there. It was BAD.
So, um, yes. Ficathons = not my thing anymore. Even when I really want to sign up for them. It's just safer for everyone.
And yes, Nano! I am considering writing the big crossover (NCIS/SG-1) for it, although I kind of want to make headway on my other big project first.
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