The Titanium Whip Awards 2006
A new award system to celebrate the quality of work done by authors in this specific area of fiction. They are primarily for fanfiction with a BDSM, Kink, Fetish or Slave theme, but there is also an Original Fic category. The Awards are open to all fandoms and all genres - Het, Slash and Femslash, the only qualifying element for a fics entry is that they contain one of the above themes.
Nominations are now being accepted, but please read the rules before sending your nominations. So, check out the site:
The Titanium Whip Awards All the information you need is there but if you find you have a question that isn’t answered then please contact us at titanium_awards (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Nominations close at Midnight on the 31st December
We now have Six judges and three reserves, this currently fills our needs, thank you for peoples' interest.
As the Award Administrator, I can be contacted at: titanium_awards (at) yahoo (dot) com
Remember: Nominations are now open and close at Midnight on the 31st December 2006.