Title: The Philadelphia Story
kaylashayRating: FR21
Disclaimer: I'm not USA / Jeff Eastin / etc. (White Collar) or Bellesario or CBS / etc. (NCIS), so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: Slash; Threesome; Crossover
Fandoms: White Collar; NCIS
Pairing(s): Gibbs/DiNozzo; Peter/El/Neal; Neal/OMC; Tony/OMC
Warnings: Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con
Word Count: 4,032
avamclean did a quick one, so all other mistakes are mine
Written For:
January 2013 Unwritten Meme Prompt Summary: Tony doesn't talk about his past much but all that changes when he arrests Neal Caffrey during the raid of a smuggling ring. Trouble is, Neal is working for the FBI -- and his handler isn't all that thrilled about finding out about Neal's past with the NCIS agent. Come to think of it, neither is Gibbs.
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