NCIS Reverse Bang Rough Draft Submissions - 2020

Mar 28, 2020 07:24

Note regarding the Coronavirus:

I have given a lot of thought to the challenges and Covid-19. Personally, when I face RL turmoil, I appreciate having both my RL job and also my fanfic fandom to turn to. While that is my case, I can appreciate that others may need to step back and focus solely on their RL. That is very understandable.

The state of the 2020 NCIS Big Bang is - the challenge will go on with a minor change and will be announced shortly. (Author and Artist sign-up posts are now open!)

2020 NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang Author Sign-ups **OPEN**
2020 NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang Artist Sign-ups **OPEN**

The 2020 NCIS Reverse Bang will go on also with a small change. I would love for everyone to complete the challenge, but I understand that may not be possible for everyone considering the times. As noted in the FAQs, you are always welcome to ask for an extension if you need a few more days. Please only request an extension if you are 100% certain you can complete your story in time to post in May 2020. If you are overwhelmed due to Covid-19 for any reason, you may also request a deferment. Did you read that right? Yes! If you cannot finish this year's challenge in April due to Covid-19 due to extra hours at work, illness for yourself, caring for your family members or just the whole shebang has you not in the mood to write, you may request a deferment and post your story at a later date. I'm not sure at this point what the later date is - right now I'm thinking October (rough draft due date August 29) as I imagine the Big Bang will have low participation. To request an extension or deferment please follow the directions below for sending in a rough draft, but request the extension or deferment in the body of the email.

Back to regular business:

The NCIS Reverse Bang rough drafts are due Saturday, 11 April 2020. You are welcome to send your story earlier if you prefer.

Please send a copy to your Artist and to ncischallenge (at) gmail (dot) com
(If you have two stories, please send them separately. Many thanks!)

You can find contact information for your artist here:
2020 NCIS Reverse Bang Artist Sign-ups on LJ

*Please put the number of your chosen artwork in the subject line, along with the author's name. You may also add the title.*
Example 1: Artwork 2, Howling by Jacie
Example 2: Artwork 2, story by Jacie
You can find the assigned number for the artwork HERE.

*Please also include the following information in your email (NOT in your story file):

The author name to appear on the artwork:
Your LJ or DW name:
Story Title (if any):
Category (Gen, Het, Slash):
Pairing(s) if any:
Is this a crossover? (Yes/No)
If yes, what is the crossover fandom?:

Your story does not need to be beta'd at this point, however, completed, beta'd stories are due by 30 April. If you're not quite finished, please send in what you have done so your artist can review the story in case they would like to alter the existing artwork, or create additional artwork for the story.

*Please watch for the availability post coming soon. You will need to turn in a rough draft to be included on the schedule.

Schedule reminders:
Rough Drafts Due to Artists: Saturday, 11 April
Availability check and schedule posts - mid-April
Completed Stories and Art Due: 30 April
Posting Begins - TBA May

rb rough draft submissions

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