Title: Fifteen Minutes to Midnight
fulltobursting aka unilocular
naemi Summary: In the midst of a case, Tim and Tony are at each others' throats...like usual. But when a routine interview takes a potentially deadly turn, they both learn the true meaning of friendship.
Pairings: Gen
Length: 29k words, 9 chapters with an epilogue
Rating: Strong Teen
Spoilers/Warnings: General spoilers up to 12x10: House Rules. General violence, whump, bad language, and lots of movie references.
Author Notes: It takes a village to participate in one of these challenges. Many, many, many thanks to hinky_hippo for taking my story and creating art that captures the vey heart and soul of the story. And I can't thank naemi enough for getting this story beta'd in four days. I hope you both know how much your time meant to me. And last, but not least, thank you to solariana for running the Big Bang again this year.
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