Due to the number of Artists and Authors requesting later posting dates, we will begin posting on October 11th. Everyone still has another 3-4 weeks to polish up their stories and artwork.
Sign-ups for the 2015 NCIS Reverse Bang will begin after all the Big Bang stories have been posted.
Posting Schedule:
11 Sun - Memories by
dont_hate_me01, Artist
penumbria_fics12 Mon - His Two Dads by
emerald_green37, Artist
rose_malmaison 13 Tues - Once Upon A Time In The Forest by
jacie3, Artist
banbury 16 Fri - Fifteen Minutes to Midnight by
fulltobursting, Artist
hinky_hippo 18 Sun* - If I Ever Get Out Of Here by
jacie3, Artist
evian_fork19 Mon* - Fashion Victim by
banbury, Artist
banbury20 Tues* - Kelly Brook Farm 2: Changes by
rose_malmaison, Artist
rose_malmaison21 Wed - The Eva Chronicles by
emerald_green37, Artist
annieb1955 *changed schedule dates
Posting Guidelines:
- You must be a member of the community to be given posting access. Please check on the profile page and make sure you have joined and are listed as a member.
- The master post to the community may be made by the Author, Artist or Beta. Typically the post is made by the Author, however, if the Author is unable to post in this timeframe, please see if your Artist or Beta can make the master post.
- Please post on your scheduled date, your time zone (any time on that date is fine).
- It is entirely up to you as to where you post your stories and artwork, LJ, AO3, DW, etc. It is also fine to post in multiple locations.
- Do not link locked posts. Please note, if you do not accept anonymous comments, you may be missing out on some feedback.
- You may post a locked post to ensure everything is correct, but it may not be unlocked prior to your posting date and must be unlocked before your master post is made to the community.
- The artwork and story may be posted together, separately, or both. However, there should only be one master post per story made to the community.
- Artists, in the event that your Author is unable to complete their story in time to post, you are still welcome to post your artwork on your scheduled date.
- It is okay to post a small teaser (3" x 5" or so is fine) or thumbnail to the community, however, if you are posting a larger piece of art, please put it behind a LJ cut.
- If you post to AO3, you may link to our 2015 NCIS Big Bang AO3 Collection.
- If you would like an AO3 invite and don't have one, please contact one of the mods with your email address.
- We appreciate links back to the community/challenge!
Master Posts
Your master post is to include the following information:
- Story title.
- Pairing(s). Please use the character's first or last name. (DiNozzo/Gibbs is acceptable, Tibbs is not.) Please use OC for an Original Character. If there are no pairings, please note that.
- Ratings. You may use any system you like.
- Length. Please note approximate word count. You may round up or down.
- Spoilers. Please note if your story contains any spoilers for a certain season or episode.
- Warnings. Please advise for normal warnings, i.e. non-con, death of major character, physical abuse, etc.
- Summary. Please note a short description of your story.
- It is appropriate to list/thank your beta and artist.
- Links to your story/chapters and links to the artwork (if posted separately). If you post your story/artwork in multiple locations (i.e. both LJ and AO3) you are welcome to link to each post/location.
- Your master post may include small artwork teasers. Larger art should be linked and/or posted behind a LJ cut.
Memories Art Post:
AO3 or
LJScheduled Posting Date: 11 Sun
Genre: SLASH
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: NC-17
Length: 64,949
Warnings: Graphic rape scene! Violence, Language, child pornography and child death (off screen)
Summary: A hunt for a serial pedophile takes Tony undercover to the most dangerous operation he's ever done. When he goes missing it's up to his team to find him. Will they be on time? Will Tony survive the memories of the past and the present, as old wounds gets entwined with new ones?
His Two Dads Art Post:
LJScheduled Posting Date: 12 Mon
Genre: GEN
Pairing: none
Rating: PG13
Length: 29,414
Summary: When things fall apart between McGee and Delilah, Admiral McGee sees one last chance to reach out to his son. However, he'll need some help. Team as family.
Once Upon A Time In The Forest Art Post:
AO3Scheduled Posting Date: 13 Tues
Genre: SLASH
Pairings: Gibbs/DiNozzo, DiNozzo/McGee, Gibbs/DiNozzo/McGee
Rating: NC-17
Length: 31,806
Warnings: Warnings - Underage sexual situations - kissing, reference to hand jobs when McGee is 13.
Summary: Historical AU set in the Middle Ages, Robin Hood-esque. At thirteen, young Tim McGee is given to Prince Anthony as a Page on his eighteenth birthday. After a few years, Tim has become Tony's most treasured companion and is with him when a band of robbers decide to kidnap Prince Anthony in the forest and hold him until his father pays a ransom. Prince Anthony is fascinated with Jethro Gibbs, the leader of the outlaws.
Fifteen Minutes to Midnight on LJ or
On AO3 Art Post:
AO3Scheduled Posting Date: 16 Fri
Genre: GEN
Pairing: Tim and Tony friendship
Rating: T
Length: 28,937
Warnings: General violence, language and lots of movie references.
Spoilers: General spoilers up to House Rules 12x10
Summary: In the midst of a case, Tim and Tony are at each others' throats...like usual. But when a routine interview takes a potentially deadly turn, they both learn the true meaning of friendship.
If I Ever Get Out Of Here Scheduled Posting Date: 18 Sun
Genre: SLASH
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: R
Length: 30,355
Warnings: Some violence, fighting
Summary: After a warden becomes suspicious about the death rate in his prison, Tony is sent undercover as an inmate. Within days, he goes missing. Gibbs is told Tony died from injuries sustained in a fight amongst the prisoners and his remains were cremated. After Abby determines the remains are fake, Tim offers to go in undercover as a guard to find out what is going on in the prison and to locate Tony.
Title: Fashion Victim (not yet posted)
Scheduled Posting Date: 19 Mon
Genre: SLASH
Pairing: DiNozzo/Dean Winchester
Rating: PG-13
Length: 11K*
Warnings: slight crossover
Summary: Gibbs and fashion? They are totally incompatible. Gibbs and other people? They merely tolerate each other. Or rather Gibbs sometimes pays attention to other people and they usually look for a hideaway in his presence. And sometimes, rarely, Gibbs meets people whose way of living looks quite fashionable even to him...
Kelly Brook Farm 2: Changes Scheduled Posting Date: 20 Tues
Genre: SLASH
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: M
Length: 61,610
Spoilers: Mild spoilers up to Season 11
Summary: After Congressman Tony DiNozzo is kidnapped, and finds refuge at retired NCIS Agent Gibbs’ horse farm, he has to put his life back together. First, he has to recover from his injuries, and work with FBI Agent Fornell to figure out if the now-dead kidnapper worked alone. Jethro is there to help Tony discover himself and find a new path to follow. Includes Tony divorcing Wendy, their 10-year-old son Zack, and Senator DiNozzo (Senior).
The Eva Chronicles Scheduled Posting Date: 21 Wed
Genre: SLASH
Pairing: DiNozzo/McGee
Rating: Teen+ The explicit stuff happens in the sequel.
Length: 151,448
Warnings: Like I said, not especially for Ziva fans. We're not seeing a lot of Tony right in the beginning because he's in Israel with Ziva. There's angst and H/C all the way around between our boys.
Spoilers: Nothing major. Starts with the end of Season 10, then wanders off into AU land mid-season 11. Probably not a super good story for Ziva fans.
Summary: A slow developing love story between two men struggling with what life throws at them, creating a unique family along the way. NCIS AU fan fiction, starts at the end of Season 10 and wanders into AU territory mid-season 11.