Artists: You should have your completed artwork to the authors ASAP. If you are a little behind, please make sure you are communicating with your author(s).
Authors: It is perfectly fine if your title, word count, summary, etc. changes when your story is posted. Information will be updated on the community master list when it is posted at the end of the challenge.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Reader's Guide/Posting Schedule:
Artwork Wednesday, 30 September
5) White Lies
banbury Author
naemiApproximate current word count: 4,200
Summary: Suffering from a mild case of amnesia after a stunt went wrong, actor Tony DiNozzo believes to be the NCIS agent he’s portraying in his latest film, and his personal assistant Tim McGee is jumping through hoops to ensure the integrity of both his boss and the movie production remains intact.
Thursday, 1 October
4) Friday's Child
Slash - Tony Stark/Tony (Dante) DiNozzo
banburyApproximate current word count: 3,800
Summary: Some days are good for you, some are not really, but when you know exactly what to wait from your day it's easier to live through...
*Friday-Saturday, 2-3 October
7) A Friend of Mine
Slash - Gibbs/DiNozzo
rose_malmaison Approximate current word count: 54,000
Summary: Ever since the Calling was taken down, Tony feels as though the world has changed around him - and he's been left behind. Now Gibbs is pushing him away, and Tony doesn't know if he can stay at NCIS. But then he has one crazy night of hot sex with Gibbs, and soon after he’s offered a great opportunity, which just makes everything all the more difficult.
*Authors with 2 scheduled posting days must post on their first scheduled date.
- They have the option to post their full story over one or two days.
- If posting over two days, stories must be marked as complete, and author must include a note that they will post the rest the following day.
- Author should post a minimum 10K per day, or as close as their story allows depending on chapter breaks.
Posting Guidelines:
- You must be a member of the community to be given posting access. Please check on the profile page and make sure you have joined and are listed as a member. Also on the profile page, please be sure you are listed as having posting access. Sometimes I work long days, so please make sure you have posting access at least 24 hours prior to your posting date.
- Either the Artist or Author may make the master post to the community. Typically the post is made by the Author, however, if the Author is unable to post in this time frame, please see if your Artist can make the master post. Artists may always make a separate post for their artwork teaser.
- Post only on your scheduled date, your time zone (any time on that date is fine). DO NOT POST ON A DIFFERENT DATE!!!
- It is entirely up to you as to where you post your stories and artwork, AO3, LJ, DW, etc. It is also fine to post in multiple locations.
- Do not link locked posts. Please note, if you do not accept anonymous comments, you may be missing out on some feedback.
- You may post a locked post to ensure everything is correct, but it may not be unlocked prior to your posting date and must be unlocked before your master post is made to the community.
- The artwork and story may be posted together, separately, or both.
- It is okay to post a small teaser (3" x 5" or so is fine) or thumbnail to the community, however, if you are posting a larger piece of art (or multiple pieces), please put it behind an LJ cut.
- If you post to AO3, you may link to our 2020 NCIS Reverse Bang AO3 Collection.
- We appreciate links back to the community/challenge!
Master Posts
For artwork posts:
*Separate artwork posts are optional.
*Your subject line should be: Artwork for (story title).
*author and artist names should be noted.
*You may post one small teaser (up to approx 3" x 5") outside of a cut. If you are posting a larger picture or multiple pictures, please put those behind an LJ-cut.
*Artists may post an art post whether or not the story has been posted. However, if an author misses their posting date, and there is an artwork post, the story link may be added to the artwork link.
For story posts:
*Your subject line should include your story title. Adding the author and/or artist names are optional.
Your story master post on this community is to include the following information (in this order):
- Story title.
- If this is a crossover, please note the other fandom(s)
- Category (Gen, Het or Slash)
- Pairing(s). Please use the character's first or last name. (DiNozzo/Gibbs is acceptable, Tibbs is not.) Please use OC for an Original Character. If there are no pairings, please note that.
- Rating. You may use any system you like.
- Length. Please note the approximate word count. You may round up or down.
- Spoilers. Please note if your story contains any spoilers for a certain season or episode.
- Warnings. Please advise for normal warnings, i.e. non-con, death of major character, physical abuse, etc.
- It is appropriate to list/thank your beta and artist.
- Links to your story/chapters and links to the artwork (if posted separately). If you post your story/artwork in multiple locations (i.e. both LJ and AO3) you are welcome to link to each post/location.
- Your master post may include a small artwork teaser. Larger art (or multiple pieces) should be linked and/or posted behind an LJ cut.
- Summary. Please note a short description of your story.
Master post template:
(feel free to omit information that does not pertain to your story or is in parentheses)
Link(s) to story:
Link(s) to art (if posted separately from the story by the artist):
Please be sure to follow the above template in your master post to this community.
It doesn't bother me if you change the order around on your own journals and pages, but it makes it difficult for your very weary mod to put the master list together when information is missing or switched around on your master posts here at the community. It's fine if you omit lines that do not apply to your story, such as the pairing if your story is gen, or the crossover line if your story is not a crossover, etc.
You may also TAG your master post with the following:
reverse bang 2020
reverse bang story-art links post