~Introduction Post~

Mar 06, 2010 13:07

Read and comment to be accepted ^^

Hey y'all!!!! =]]]]]

Ranica's the name V(>.<).  I'm a teenager from the beautiful country of the Philippines but I've been living here in Qatar for 15 years. I've never been to my homecountry ever since I was born. Not even once. That's why it's been my dream to go to my homecountry (and of course, after i've visited my country, i'll go visit Japan next! >o<).

I've also been an arashian for more than two years now >o< and, I've been an HSJ fan (or a jumper, as some would prefer =D) for more than a year. My ichibans are Nino from Arashi and Yamada Ryosuke from HSJ. ♥

Nothing really special is happening here in my LJ  except for my frequent personal blabberings, fanfictions, graphics, and anything related to Arashi or Jpop :]

All of my personal entries will be automatically f-locked. My fanfictions, graphics, and fanarts related to Arashi will be public for 24 hours (unless stated otherwise). I am doing this because i want to keep my life private :)) and not just broadcast it to some random people out there
  Plus, there are some other reasons as well.

For those who wanna be friends with me, feel free to add me. Just make sure that you really would communicate and interact with me through my posts and not add me just because of a whim. And please, comment here first.

I would really appreciate it if you would leave a comment here introducing yourself...=D Please don't think that leaving comment here would be a pain. I just want to get to know you before I add you back.  And lastly, I wouldn't add you back if you have a blank journal. Meaning, those journals which has zero entries. I would love to read from my friends' journal too so having an "abundant" journal is a must...LOL :]]]




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