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Oct 23, 2005 22:30

This is probably going to be my last post before I leave for BCT. I'll be back for the holidays, and I'll be getting back in touch with everyone then (in forms other than letters, because I better be getting those! lol). Let me just lay down a few things; ideas and things I'm doing, just so we all know what's up.

First, there's the issue of contact. I don't have access to a phone or email once I'm in BCT, so I'll be getting all my info on life through good ol' fashioned letter-writing. That means you guys. Here's how it works:
1. I gave my mom a list of everyone's phone number in my phone (including my most recent additions, Bonnie and Scottie)
2. Once I find out my actual mailing address, I will call her as I am allowed to do before BCT actually starts on the 4th of November.
3. She will be getting into contact with each of you, giving you my address.
4. Write me a letter, even if it's just letting me know you got my address. This will give me your address (the return on the envelope), and I can write back to you.
You have to admit that that's an elegant way of going about things, eh? I'm rather proud of that one!

Secondly, there's Christmas. I'll be gone until only a few days before Christmas, therefore I will have very little time to do any shopping for you guys. Therefore, I would suggest emailing me anything you would like (please head it with something obvious, like, containing the word Christmas lol) and I'll take it all, compile it into one big list, and spend a day or two running myself ragged getting all my shopping done, all for you guys! All I ask in return is that you look at my Wish List on Most of the basic gifty things I could want are on there. There are some obvious things (sex, an iPod, etc.) that I never got around to adding, but if you don't know me well enough to get something special but you're one of those people who has to gift everyone they've ever passed on the street, then never fear; your resource is there. Also, I'll be celebrating my 19th B'day at BCT (Dec. 9), so the same idea doubles for that auspicious day as well. I'm not trying to sound expectant of mucho giftage, but it seemed like a good contingency plan lol.

Other than that, just remember that I love all of you (some more than others, some in more ways than others *wink*), and that I'll be spending a lot of my time remembering how much nicer you are than my drill sergeant. Well, all of you except for Sarah. You're a cold bitch, definitely the meanest person I know *wink*. A few parting shots:

Hope: Pilz in the head go poppity-pop!
Dave: You = Cal in The 40 Year-Old Virgin
KSU Jen: *does the gay cellphone ringtone and shoves head into your cleavage* YEAH!
JeN: I want 2 4 Q.
Scottie: We should try to have children. And fail. Every night we should try and fail.
Sarah: All my love, you fuckin' lush.
Lauren: *reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly big hug*
Kelli: I'm gonna be stuck on your hair and your boobs the whole time I'm at BCT now, thank you very much!
Bonnie: Hi--er, hello--er...fuck. KONNICHI WA! How the hell DO I greet you now?
James: Padawan = bitch.
Michelle: Neil = your bitch. Gladly.
Michelle O.: VOLUPTUOUS!
Gretchen: I wasn't kidding.
Everyone else: FUCK YOU! (Some among you should read that with "I WANT TO" in front of it. You know who you are...)
By the way, don't be offended if you're not at the top of my list, or not on it at all. I'm just did it all free-association like and I'm *really* tired. After all, the whole Bonnie thing today should have her on the front of my mind and therefore, front of the list, but for some reason Hope and Dave take top honors. Obviously my brain and my fingers are going about things differently tonight lol. Anyways, most love to all of you (especially all you beautiful women of my past and present...and maybe my future *well-aimed winks*).
So Long, Farewell, and Amen!

P.S. Kelli I'm going to kiss you on principle next time I see you. Just warning you.
P.P.S. Holy fuckinshit my hamster mood-thing is doing the little mechanical dog flip thing. HARDCORE!

"Good night, and good luck."
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