Oct 23, 2005 19:06
"Friend." That word has never made me burst into tears before. Before. Today, however, things changed a bit.
Bonnie. Yes, her. The old wound, the ex-girlfriend, the one I'll never
hear from again, that Bonnie. I accidentally woke her up this afternoon
when I called her. Thankfully, since we talked for a little over an
hour, she had plenty of time to wake up and clear her head. We caught
up, we cleared the air, we made old jokes and new ones. I broached the
subject of the future between us and she said "friend," and I cried,
quietly. I effused endless relief and satisfaction, we made plans for
future contact, and she got off the phone b/c her boyfriend showed up.
I'm neither surprised or disappointed at the "boyfriend" issue; she's
with who I thought she would be with and she seems happy, so I'm cool
with that. Anyways, I clicked the disconnect on the cellphone and
collapsed, weeping like one who's seen the pure, unfiltered brilliance
and glory of the universe. Considering the timing (last day before
leaving), the circumstances (stumble across her number via a friend
whom she recently called), and the outcome (the first thing I've been
hoping for, the last thing I've been expecting), I believe that
Serendipity is alive and well in my life. Hope said some things about
Serendipity; I reflect upon these and I know that everything will work
out. I am happy.