Furry (Fur)secution

Jun 12, 2019 11:03

Disclaimer: Some people are assuming I support and defend the actions of what I am writing about. That is definitely not the case; I don't condone the actions of the events or statements of any of these individuals; each event garnered a lot of heat and angst from the fandom, and understandably so.

IndyFurCon mistaken posted that an very polarizing member of the fandom was going to have a stage show. The vague message was quickly misconstrued into that said person was going to be a "special guest" then twisted into him being "GoH" for the convention by several prominent furries. This quickly turned into a shitstorm with announcements of other special guests backing out, attacks at the convention, the board members, and also the person in the tweet.

Later, it was verified that he did not have his own slot or was any type if special guest, but the damage was already done. Old wounds re-opened, now festering again for both he and the convention, and the staff to deal with.

First of all, I know both the controversies and what both people tweeted back in the past, and yes, the backlash is deserving at the time. However, as we move forward, in most cases, years and years later, these people are still under attack for things that were said back in the day. What makes matters worse is all the half truths and lies that come out to support the arguments of the initial accusers. These added falsifications of the truth simply make it easier to pile on more and more. A random person can look at a thread and go "Geez, what a f*ckhead, I hate (them)", without ever have interacted with them.

This is what is sad with the call-out culture, is that social media is a great platform for piling on and people thrive on drama because it's "exciting." For those who remember the OJ Simpson trial, that was top story for weeks and months and any new info was sought after and absorbed like a sponge. People couldn't get enough of it, neither could news media as it was a soap opera. No one cared if he was innocent or guilty, they just wanted to know the juicy details of everything.

Moving forward to today, that's exactly with our current commander-in-chief does. This whole game is a publicity stunt for him, good attention, bad attention, misdirection, lies, he spouts out so much BS, that reporters can't keep track of it all and are constantly hunting in circles, trying to follow the trail. In fact, as much as I hate it, it's remarkably genius, leading the "dogs" astray in 500 different paths for them to track down. However, I'm pretty sure that he has no remorse for his actions, good or bad. He's a businessmen at heart, and successful people don't get into prominence by being nice and considerate. However, I will never agree nor like him, as this is how he's always been and continues acting toward others. Shrewd, sordid, and unmoral without regard to others.

I digress, going back the fandom, I dealt with backlash about a sex offender that was in the FWA photo this year. However, his transgressions were over 10 years ago; he served his time, he was tried and punished by the LAW. He has changed, however the memories from long ago still live on and any image of him is forever burned in people's minds that he's a sex offender.

The problem with social media is that it does not forget; it is timeless, messages and tweets can be used against said people forever. Before social media was so prominent, people weren't held to such high morals. Guess what, people have always acted the way they do. And, people do realize their shortcomings and change, not all people, but most do. In two of these three cases, they have gone above and beyond, trying to help out, volunteer, staff and really get engaged in the fandom by devoting hours and hours of time to help the fandom grow. However, their past transgressions continue to outweigh everything they do for the fandom, like it's never enough.

Is it fair that they should be judged for eternity? Should there be a horizon? Some would say yes, once a bad egg, always a bad egg, but I don't believe that. People can change.

If you're prominent in the fandom, then your voice is heard whether you want it to be or not. Well known figures in the fandom that have had a history of egregious statements, will always have a target on their backs. If a random person in the fandom with no prior history posts an uplifting or positive opinion; said person would get a lot of positive replies "yeah, I really needed that message," or "thanks, I really like what you said." However, that same person with a target will be attacked and called a hypocrite because of their "dark" past.

I reiterate that people can and do change, both for the good and bad, but before you pile onto someone or some statements think about these things:

1) Do I actually know the situation? Or is it all hearsay?
2) Adding my voice accomplishes what?
3) Why should I care and rile myself up about (said person/statement.)
4) Is it worth my time?

The fandom is so close knit; most of us know and interact with a ton of people. We don't get along with a lot of people that we interact with, but that's just human nature. Obviously, there are things that DO harm the fandom. Like, if someone in the fandom hates on [pick a targeted subset] and starts targeting them with death threats, then yes, something must be done. Verbal hate is a lot different that physical violence. We do need to stand up for views that impact us and are close to our hearts. However, being on the offensive and calling said person bigoted isn't the way to go about doing it.

Make wise judgments about said person based on interactions with them find out the facts, not hearsay from social media. If you decide that person isn't worth your time, then that's great, however, in most cases, they have no interaction with you, so unless said person impacts you directly, then just don't engage.

Lastly, I'll leave this thought with you. The worst case of all, is the totally innocent person, called out by someone because they had a fight or dispute, and instantly got persecuted by everyone over a lie. Even if the accuser admits later it was a lie, that person has already had their name drug through the mud and the damage is done. But most people that have heard that name now have a negative impression of them, and for what reason? None, except a big fat lie.

TL/DR; Don't spend your time fighting needless battles, especially on social media. Choose not to engage with the controversies of said people and you'll feel a lot better.


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