May 12, 2009 20:54
A couple weeks ago I started a new medication which kicked my butt for over a week. I didn't sleep for days, had horrible stomach pains and still had to take my exams. As for now, it's working out well enough, instead of taking the whole ??mg I started cutting them in half. The stomach pains are almost completely gone and I can at least sleep somewhat regularly, idk. I just hope it all levels out before summer classes next week. Summer classes :(
Saturday I went to see Star Trek.... Yesterday I went to see it again! Star Trek is the business!! I already have sorta plans to see it again this weekend (IMAX!) and as of right now it's at 57.7% downloaded onto my hard drive. Oh, Star Trek... I feel bad that only after like 43 years of your existence I now appreciate your greatness. Actually, after the movie I flirted with the idea of downloading the originals and watching from the start... but then I remembered watching some reruns when I was young and thinking they sucked. I guess I only appreciate the story and characters with 2009 technology. By the way, I think that this will be the first movie I will purchase on Blu-ray... it actually should be illegal to sell it to anyone without a blu-ray player, a surround sound system and at least 50" flat screen. I'm gonna save up for a TV because of this movie. Also, I think I'm deeply in love with Spock.
Right now, I'm supposed to be in Boston for my interview that is supposed to be tomorrow... but we had to change the date as my interviewer had to suddenly go out of the country. So it will be the 31st... *sigh* I lost a $160 plane ticket... sorta upset about that, since I don't really have that kind of money to lose. Now, more than before, I'm nervous about the interview... now if I don't get the job I'll be super upset. :'( If I get it, the inconvenience will all be worth it. I still really want the job.
Slowly, I'm coming out of DDR retirement... sorta. I don't really want to PLAY again because I hate that stressful, competitive crap and it made me kinda cocky... I don't want to deal with that at the moment (or again). But I decided to exercise more and it is really the easiest thing I can think to do. I'm not really too horrible considering how little I've played in the last 2 years or so. 21 on HVAM is a-ok with me. Of course I almost threw up after the song... I think between bike riding and DDR I should get enough exercise to make me feel more energized again.
I've decided that over a period of about a year, I'm going to turn myself into a pin up girl. Wish me luck.