Reposted from my Dreamwidth account.
There's an Indian blogger who goes by the handle "DeepaD" who drives me absolutely insane with her pompous arrogance and disdain for Americans (and Caucasians in general, actually). When I first discovered her blog back in the Summer, I had a broken hand, so I couldn't express how pissed off she made me. Several months later, I finally got around to saying everything I wanted to say to her:
I'm almost positive that I'm going to get shit for this, but feel free to fire away.
It was through an invitation from you that I received a Dreamwidth account. Thank you for that. Now I have an open forum in which to express my disdain for your views and opinions.
I first became aware of you through a link to
this entry in which you kicked dirt in the face of a white LJ user who had already been beaten down for daring to share his feelings about race. He had repeatedly apologized after posting the entry, however, you felt that he hadn't yet been punished enough for being white and daring to have an opinion about something race-related, so you just had to pile onto his misery.
From there, I read several of your other entries including
this one, your claim to Internet fame, as well as
this related one, where Chimamanda Adichie expresses the same concern, only in far, far better terms and without the pious bile that soaks every word in your blog.
Deepa, you have no right to judge others until you take a long hard look at yourself. You spend paragraph after paragraph ranting about how people in your part of the world are treated for the color of their skin, while at the same time, you are doing the exact same thing to white people. Oh wait, I know you claim to be ok with "like minded" white people, but in reality, its only the ones who cower at your feet begging for your approval.
You see fit to make up your own rules of morality, but its really you justifying the wrongs you commit. You say its perfectly o.k. to download an eBook without paying for it because you believe that books shouldn't be written for profit. What bullshit. Sure, in an ideal world, wealth could be distributed evenly, and systems like capitalism wouldn't exist, but hey, how's communism working out? Kim Jong il used it to basically make himself a deity to the people of North Korea. If you disagree with him, there's always an empty cell in one of his forced labor camps. Writers write because they enjoy writing, but some do it to make a living. They don't deserve to have bread stolen off of their table because your ideology makes everything free to you.
Deepa, you claim to hate the US, yet you spent a considerable amount of time here. You ate our food, lived among our people, and, yes, reaped the benefits of our EVIL capitalist society. How many other countries can you openly hate yet be allowed to live in peace and comfort?
You also seem to be under the impression that the people of the US have a say in how our government is run. How naive. A vote means nothing. This country is run by the banks and the oil industry. The face of the president just changes every 4-8 years. Just like any other society in the history of humanity, the richest .05% have their way, and the rest of us just keep the gears moving. The people you rally against in your blog are largely the people who get up and go to work every day and hoping to still have a job tomorrow. The well-being of people on the other side of the world is not our responsibility. Ask yourself this: would your people lift a finger to help ours if the shoe was on the other foot?
And as for the stories and fiction that is prevalent throughout the world, your claim that western society has some sort of conspiracy going to "white wash" everything boils down to you whining about not having produced anything creative that has been consumed on a large scale. Guess what, write something that appeals to the masses, and you will achieve mass appeal. There are plenty of publishing houses ready and willing to make something that's entertaining (regardless of the cultural influence) available to the entire world.
On a less important side note, your Dreamwidth icon is stupid. There's no other way to put it. I know that having the silhouette of a bare-chested woman wearing a whateverthefuck headpiece is supposed to be cleverly ironic and poignant, but its not. Its just stupid, and makes you even more annoying than you already are.
In closing, Deepa, whatever your mindless followers who lick your ass and worship your every word think, your writing boils down to nothing but plain old ego masturbation. You are obviously extremely intelligent and have a better command of the English language than most who speak it natively (which I'm sure you love to throw in our faces), but you use it simply to masturbate your own ego. In all honesty, I feel kind of sorry for you. Anyone who spends as much time spewing hate as you do must be extremely miserable.