Introducing the new weekly Prompt Meme!

Oct 26, 2012 21:47

Starting from next week:

After each new episode (Monday), nbc_revolution will host a Revelation of the Week Post, to recap and discuss what we learned…or didn't learn but think we saw in the promo for following next week :: flails ::

This will be followed by - a Prompt Cache Post - where anyone (from wherever: LJ, Tumblr, AO3, FF.Net... etc.) can comment, as many prompts as the want, all week, until Friday - when Mods will post a Prompt Meme Post, containing all prompts compiled from the cache.

--> Please Note: New prompts will also be allowed, but it does make it easier if everyone can start prompting right away and as a result - also start writing/creating as soon as the Meme begins.

This week however, we'll have to do without a Prompt Cache and try and muddle along best we can:

First, I'd also like to officially introduce myself: *waves* Hi, most people call me Thursday, I created this Community and was lucky enough to stumble upon Mercy (mercscilla) within hours of posting my first post - somehow - I convinced her to Mod NBC_Rev with me. If you've seen any of the things she makes you'll know we're all very lucky because of this…But HEY- we can get into all the who, what, why, when stuff, tomorrow - as that's when Mercy will be posting a Introduction post for all Members and Lurkers to take a little bow in. Today, is about prompting. Filling. Flailing. And generally showing Revolution a little love. In fact, let's just do that all weekend. Monday is coming, people. And I for one, am excited.

Prompting Style.

+ ONE (1) Prompt per comment, please.

+ You may fill your own prompts. You're only human.

+ Character(s) and/or Pairing | Your Prompt (single words or a description with more detail, a picture, a lyric, a song - just no Youtube embeds!)


Charlie, Aaron | One of three people who know her birthday, he's the only one who remembers it.

Any/All Mathesons, & Monroe | Danny is killed, Charlie is taken. Ben has two weeks to get to Philadelphia.

Maggie/Miles | AU: The power doesn't go out all at once, it's gradual; and their paths cross at the height of the panic.

Ensemble | The way you taught me.

* * *

Mod Note: I'd recommend prompting 'Any' btw, just to see what happens. Be flexible. See what people can do, ie:

Any/Any | The last girl and the last reason.

Any | Sanctuary!AU, Lions and tigers and…Vampires.

Any | Connected, Final, Breaking, Impulse

* * *

Filling style.

+ title, pairings/character, rating. (in bold) - ie. Lash out first, Miles/Monroe, R

+ You can put your fill in a comment (or two, or more) or, you can post on your LJ/Tumblr (or wherever) and provide a link. Whichever suits you best.

+ New (never posted before) stuff only.

+ Medium-wise anything goes, including: Fics, Arts, Vids, and Fanmixes.

+ Please remember to warn for anything that might be a trigger.

+ (And this is basic, but it needs to be said) Please reply your fill to the comment with the prompt you chose to fill. No floating fills.


Be Anonymous if you want, Anon-ly comment prompts/Anon-ly comment fills and have fun with it, but remember your manners. No wank or negativity.

Promo." href="">" src="" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; " title="" width="300" >" href="">Prompt. Fill. Be Merry.

(l): ficlet, (fw): picspam, (misc): prompt meme, (fw): fanart, (fw): fanfic, (fw): vid, (l): drabble, !season: one, (fw): fanmix, (fw): icons

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